Built-In Events

The following events are automatically fired by Critical Moments, and can be used for triggers or conditions.

Watching events in debug mode can help you vizualize all the built-in events as they fire.

App Lifecycle Events

  • app_start: fired immediatly after the SDK starts. There may be a small delay while we fetch the latest config over the network.

  • session_start: fired when a user session starts. This is both when the app is initially launced, and if the app enters the foreground after 10 mintues or more in the background.

  • app_entered_foreground: fired when the app enters the forground, including the initial launch

  • app_entered_background: fired when the app enters the background

  • app_terminated: fired right before the app is terminated (evicted from memory). Note: the OS will not fire this event in some cases including if the user manually closes the app, or if the app was suspended prior to termination.

Feature Flag Events

  • ff_true:[condition_name]: Fired when a feature flag is evaluated with checkNamedCondition and returns true. Latter half of the string is the condition name which was evaluated.

  • ff_false:[condition_name]: Fired when a feature flag is evaluated with checkNamedCondition and returns true. Latter half of the string is the condition name which was evaluated.

  • ff_error:[condition_name]: Fired when a feature flag is evaluated with checkNamedCondition and returns true. Latter half of the string is the condition name which was evaluated.

Action Events

  • action:[action_name]: Fired when a named action is performed. For example, if you fired an action named gdpr_banner, the event log would have an event for action:gdpr_banner

  • action_error:[action_name]: Fired when we attempt to perform a named action, but there is an error.

App Review Action

  • sub-action:[action_name]:tapped: fired when a banner is tapped.

  • sub-action:[action_name]:closed: fired when a banner is closed.

Alert Actions

  • sub-action:[action_name]:button:[button_label]: fired when a button is tapped on an alert. The button_label is the string label of the button. The "OK" and "Cancel" strings are not localized in events, unlike UI, so the database is consistent across locales.

  • sub-action:[action_name]:button_index:[button_index]: fired when a button is tapped on an alert. The button_index is the index of the button tapped. The custom button array starts at index 0, the OK button has a constant value -1, and the Cancel button has a constant value -2.

  • sub-action:[action_name]:closed: fired when a modal is closed.

  • sub-action:[action_name]:button:[button_label]: fired when a button is tapped on an modal. The button_label is the string label of the button.

  • sub-action:[action_name]:button_index:[button_index]: fired when a button is tapped on an modal. The button_index is the index of the button tapped. Not fired for the "close" button (see the closed event above).

Notification Events

  • notifications:tapped:[notification_id]: fired when a notification is tapped. The notification id is the UNNotificationRequest identifier of the notification. For notifications created in Critical Moments the ID format is io.criticalmoments.notifications.[notification_name].

Last updated

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